SATURDAY 7th MARCH 2020 at 10.30 a.m.

Present: Rt Rev’d Dominic Walker OGS, Rev’d Vincent Calder, Angela Calder, Fr. Cavan Mc Elligott, Fr Barnabas Paige, Richard Smith, David Benson, Dr Gail Blick, Dr Vanessa Dodd, Dick Coates, Jane Benson.

The meeting opened with prayer led by Rt Rev’d Dominic Walker.
Apologies: Apologies had been received from: Jan Pain, Dr. Emma Gibbins
The minutes of the last AGM (13 March 2017): were agreed by those present at that meeting as a true record subject to some minor editorial amendments and were signed by Bishop Dominic.
Matters Arising. None.

Chair's Report
Bishop Dominic was very pleased with the organisation of the annual Service of Vespers held at Tintern Abbey on Sunday 8th September 2019. He thanked all members of the Committee for their work, and thanks were also accorded to Sister Maureen Davies SSJ for printing the service sheets; to Dr Emma Gibbins and the choir of Newport Cathedral; to Colin Robinson and the servers from St Mary’s Priory in Monmouth.

Revd Dr Tim MacQuiban, formerly Methodist Fraternal Delegate in Rome, preached. The Rt Revd Stuart Burns OSB read from the Rule of Benedict, Mother Katherine of Tymawr Convent led the Intercessions and the Rt Revd Paul Stonham censed the statue.

The Archbishop of Wales, the Most Revd John Davies, has accepted the invitation to preach at Vespers on September 13th, 2020. The Rt Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth, has agreed to become a patron.

Chairman's report attached.

Treasurer's Report
Vincent Calder presented the Annual Financial Report. He was pleased to report that there is a good balance of £1,684.38 at end of financial year. This includes £600 from a grant towards the Marian Way Pilgrimage, which will be transferred at a later date. From Vespers, merchandise sales had amounted to £316.30p including sales of the calendar and a there was a later receipt of £141 also from calendar sales. The offering amounted to £569.92, and the donations from around the Statue, collected over the year by the staff at the Abbey, was £17.22p. KT Electronics were charging the same amount as last year (£306) but their invoice had only been received immediately prior to the meeting.
Vincent accorded his thanks to the stewards who had collected the offerings.

Annual Financial Report Statement of Account attached.

Secretary and Sales report:
In her absence, Jan had sent a report which David read. Jan had found the year rewarding with the support of the committee. She and Emma had worked successfully on the service sheet for Vespers. The calendars had sold very well, and there are postcards left to be sold in the future. A few items from previous merchandise are available. She suggested that perhaps merchandising should concentrate on the calendars and postcards, with other items agreed by the committee. To be decided in committee.

There is a need to improve the level of advertising for Vespers with more output to other churches in the area. The Marian Way Pilgrimage will also need promotion. The subscription to the Website had been paid but updating was required.

Secretaries Report attached.

Election of Officers:
Chair: Bishop Dominic indicated that he would be willing to continue. Proposed by David Benson seconded by Vincent Calder and Gail Blick. Carried Nem Con. Treasurer: Rev’d Vincent Calder indicated that he would be willing to continue. Proposed by Richard Smith, seconded by Gail Blick. Carried Nem Con. Secretary: Jan Pain had indicated that she was willing to continue. Proposed by David Benson, seconded by Vanessa Dodd. Carried Nem Con.
Other Committee Members: Dr Gail Blick announced her resignation from the Committee. All other members re-elected.
Bishop Dominic recorded a vote of thanks to Dr Gail Blick for her work and support for FOLT and in particular for her Homily to the 2018 Vespers and for raising funds through her Study Day at Tymawr Convent.

Patrons List update: Bishop Dominic advised that the Patrons of FOLT are: the Most Revd George Stack, Archbishop of Wales; The Rt Revd Daniel van Santvoort OCSO -Abbot of Caldey; The Rt Revd Dom Paul Stonham OSB - Abbot of Belmont; The Rt Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth.

A.O.B.: Revd Vincent Calder had found a copy of the Constitution, dated May 2015. The Constitution needs to be updated, and other policies might need to be implemented. Bishop Dominic was in conversation with Helen Hall, a lawyer and a priest, seeking advice, and Helen had agreed to draft an updated Constitution. This will be discussed at future committee meetings.
The question of receiving Gift Aid from donations arose. To be discussed further.

The question of having an independent examination of accounts was raised. To be discussed further in committee.

Future dates: Vespers: Sunday 13th September 2020 at 3.00 pm.
AGM 2021: Proposed March 6th 2021, at 10.30 am in the Village Hall, Tintern. (date to be booked).

The meeting closed at 11.15 a.m. The committee meeting followed.